Full Stack Web Development

Join the web development revolution with our in-depth Full Stack course. Learn to build dynamic and interactive websites from front to back with hands-on projects and expert guidance. Upgrade your skills and become a sought-after developer in the industry.

  1. Web Basics : Understanding of the basics of web development such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  2. Frameworks : Learn front-end frameworks such as React or Angular to build user-friendly interfaces.

  3. back-end : Study back-end technologies like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Django to develop the server-side of a web site.

  4. Databases Management : Familiarize yourself with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL to store and manage data.

  5. Hosting :Understand the basics of server deployment and learn to host your  website on the web.

  6. Practice :Practice building Full Stack website by working on projects and challenges.