Java Advance

Java is also widely used in Android development, the official language for android app development. Java has the ability to work on different platforms, this makes it an ideal choice for developing cross-platform applications. Due to its popularity and wide usage, Java has a large community with lots of resources and libraries that can be used by developers.

Java is a powerful, mature, and widely-used programming language, with a large and active community that provides a wealth of libraries, frameworks, and tools.

  1.  Database integration: This covers the use of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to connect to and interact with databases, including performing CRUD operations.
  2. Web development: This covers the use of Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) to create web-based applications and dynamic web pages.

  3. Network programming: This covers the use of Java’s built-in networking classes and sockets to create network-based applications.

  4. Android development: This covers the use of Android SDK and Java to create mobile applications for Android devices.

  5. Best practices and design patterns: This covers the use of best practices and design patterns in Java programming, such as SOLID principles, DRY, and KISS principles, to write maintainable and scalable code.

  6. Testing: This covers the use of testing frameworks such as JUnit to create unit tests and integration tests for Java applications.

  7. Final Project: This includes the final project, in which students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned in the course by working on a comprehensive project.